Framing the Transom of the Palm Beach 22

Transom framing for Palm Beach 22
Transom framing view from the front. The red arrow points to the transom “cheek” we’re going to build.

We’ve got all the frames built and set up.  But we’ve still got to frame the transom of the Palm Beach 22.  We’ll build the framework and add it to our setup so we can begin planking.  The picture above is a rendering of what our framework should look like.  Note that I’ve pointed out a particular piece I call the transom “cheek”.  You can see the transom curves inward at the top (called “Tumblehome”).  This is part of the signature look of a mahogany runabout. Continue reading “Framing the Transom of the Palm Beach 22”

Setting up the Palm Beach 22

Laying a batten across the frames shows high and low spots

Once you have the frames made, you have to set them up in the right position.  Oddly enough, this process is called “Setting up”.  (See, there are actually some terms in boatbuilding that are self-explanatory!)  The primary thing is to get the frames secured exactly the correct distance from each other and at the proper level.  You do this by using guidelines that you’ve transferred from your patterns and lofting to the frames themselves.  For instance, you draw the center line on each frame, and align it under a string line on your strongback.  Also, you can attach a cross spall to each frame at, say, the +24″ waterline.  Then line these up as you erect the frames. Continue reading “Setting up the Palm Beach 22”

Solution to a Vexing Problem

Lining up the frames for the Palm Beach 22

As you can see in the above picture, we’re starting to compile a nice set of frames for the Palm Beach 22.  If you’ve forgotten what this boat is supposed to look like, you can check out the plans here.  At any rate, you can see the frames have notches in them for battens that run the length of the hull.  And as luck would have it, one of these notches is over the top of the 1-1/8″ wide x 6-1/2″ deep stringer.  The frames are to be held fast to the stringers with 1/4″ carriage bolts.  That means drilling and counter boring holes through the frames and the stringers.  That presents us with two problems.  The first is how to drill that long hole through both the frame and stringer.  That’s a tough one to just eye-ball without accidentally coming out the side of the stringer.  How would you do it? Continue reading “Solution to a Vexing Problem”

Patterns for the Frames

CNC cut patterns for the Palm Beach 22 designed by Nelson Zimmer

I was able to get full size plans for the frames of this design from a fellow in New Zealand.  Using his CAD files, I was able to use a CNC (computer numerical control) router to cut out patterns for me to use in cutting out the frames.  Sounds like a nifty process, doesn’t it?  Well nothing is ever as easy as it seems. Continue reading “Patterns for the Frames”

Breasthooks Part 1–Fabrication

New breasthook pieces glued up and rough cut, ready for fine fitting.
New breasthook pieces glued up and rough cut, ready for fine fitting.

A breasthook is a sturdy piece of wood that marries the sides of the boat together at the stem.  It’s a structurally important piece, and can be tricky to fit.  So I did what I usually do when I have a tricky piece to fit, I made a pattern. Continue reading “Breasthooks Part 1–Fabrication”