It’s been a long time since I posted anything about the Palm Beach. I haven’t forgotten it, and I haven’t stopped working on it. But there have been some intervening projects like the Riva, shoulder surgery, a trip or two…
So where to begin? After I flipped the boat, I began patterning the pieces for the floor of the engine compartment. As you might expect, we don’t call it the floor on a boat. (That term is reserved for a part of the structure that ties the frames to the keel.) And deck wouldn’t be quite right either. So we call it the sole.

Anyway, you need a platform to walk on in the engine compartment. And its outline is very irregular. So how to cut the right shape without wasting tons of plywood? Make a pattern. Then use the pattern to trim your final piece to fit. If you’re interested in the process, I talk about it more here.
I’ve made good progress with the mechanicals on the boat. I’ll catch you up on that later. For now I just wanted to let you know the Palm Beach 22 is still kicking around the boat shop.
Great to see the Palm beach is still progressing.
Mine is still upside down and having just finished fairing the topsides I’m ready to add the final longitudinal planking….using your techinique from earlier posts. 🤞
Thanks for all the info it’s been a really helpful guide for a first timer!
Thanks Chris. I was wondering, when I wrote that entry, how things were going on your project. Send me some pictures when you get a chance!
Fair winds.
Doing the final topside layer is really a defining moment for the overall look of the boat, so I’ve taken time and your advice to get the first plank, the sheer strake, as fair as possible. Quite a process but now completed and very happy with the result. Will email some photos.
Just starting on the next plank up from there. Spiling, and using the router for a tight fit👍