Tomorrow I’ll depart my humble shop here in Ravenel, South Carolina to head for the Antique Boat Auction in Clayton, NY. I’m taking the 1949 Chris Craft 17 ft. Deluxe Runabout I’ve restored to the auction. It’s listing number 36957. Check it out here. There will be quite a few boats at this auction. If you’re interested in more information about the boat or the auction, contact me here.

This has been a very satisfying project. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, from the cramped repairs in the tight parts of the bilge, to rebuilding the engine, to applying the 19 coats of finish.
We’ll be making room for a new project, and maybe even bringing back another boat to restore. We’ll start by lofting a 22 ft. Palm Beach Runabout designed by Nelson Zimmer. Stay tuned–I’ll be blogging about it. Until then, as Garrison Keillor says, “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”